Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. [University Learning Goals: Intellectual Skills, Applied Knowledge]

Outcome Element 3.1

Ability to communicate in writing (Assessed in Engr100W)

Outcome Performance Indicators:

3.1.1: Produce well-organized reports, following guidelines.

3.1.2: Use clear, correct language and terminology while describing experiments, projects or solutions to engineering problems.

3.1.3: Describe accurately in a few paragraphs a project / experiment performed, the procedure used, and the most important results (abstracts, summaries).

3.1.4: Use appropriate graphs and tables following published engineering standards to present results.

Outcome Element 3.2

Ability to communicate orally (Assessed in AE171B, AE172B)

Outcome Performance Indicators:

3.2.1: Give well-organized presentations, following guidelines.

3.2.2: Make effective use of visuals.

3.2.3: Present the most important information about a project / experiment, while staying within allotted time.