The Weir/Galm Award Program

The 女巫堰/John Galm Award is designed to assist junior faculty in establishing and developing their careers at San José State University.  The award is intended to support research, travel to present at conferences, and/or acquisition of materials related to teaching or scholarship. A longtime professor and Chair of the 英语 部门, Dr. John Galm, established the Weir/Galm Endowment in 1995 in memory of his wife, Dr. 女巫堰.  Dr. Weir also had a long career at San José State University.  She was Professor of 英语 and Associate Dean of the 大学 of 人文学科 and the 艺术; she also served as Associate Vice President for 教师 Affairs.  The Weir/Galm Endowment Award is intended to enhance the careers of new faculty members according to the wishes of Dr. 威尔和博士. Galm.


Tenure-track faculty members are eligible for this award.  All disciplines are welcome. In keeping with the wishes of the donors, preference will be given to proposals that address issues of diversity (broadly defined).


One award of up to $2500 will be provided to the recipient via a Tower Foundation 账户. Announcements will be made in January 2023.

Application Deadline: 

Proposals are due by Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Please fill out 这种形式.

Past Awardees:

一年 名字 部门 大学
1995 M. 哈泽 Social 科学s Social 科学s
1996 Susan Debari 地质 科学
1996 玛丽借债过度 孩子 & Adolescent Develop. 教育
1997 爱丽丝海恩斯 社会工作 社会工作
1998 Udeme Ndon 民事 & Enviro. 工程 工程
1999 Joseph Merighi 社会工作 社会工作
2000 Marcos Pizarro Mexican American Studies Social 科学s
2001 Rona Halualani Communication Studies Social 科学s
2002 Kathleen Evans Secondary 教育 教育
2004 Jennifer Madigan Special 教育 教育
2005 Ellen Hartinger-O'Connor 历史 Social 科学s
2006 Persis Karim 英语 人文学科 & 艺术
2007 安妮·罗斯勒 Health 科学s Applied 科学s & 艺术
2008 Susan Lambrecht Biological 科学s 科学
2009 Carlos Sanchez 哲学 人文学科 & 艺术
2015 Silke Higgins University 图书馆 图书馆
2015 Sarika Pruthi Global 创新 & 领导 业务
2015 Aaron Romanowsky 物理 & 天文学  科学
2017 Hyojin李 市场营销 业务
2018 Ningkkun Wang 化学 科学
2019 罗伯特·马克思 孩子 & Adolescent Dev. 教育
2020 Saili Kulkarni Special 教育 教育
2021 珍妮特爆炸 孩子 & Adolescent Dev. 教育