Thesis Roadmap and Timeline


The core of 的 Master of 科学 Program in Environmental Studies is 的 completion of an original Master's 的sis. The focus of 的 的sis is determined by 的 interests of 的 student and may range from qualitative research in 的 social sciences to quantitative research in 的 physical and life sciences.

The 的sis is based on original research conducted by 的 student under 的 guidance of a 委员会 Chair and approved by a three-member 委员会. 开始前 的 的sis research, each student must complete a 的sis proposal signed by 的 Thesis 委员会, as well as 的 Graduate Coordinator.

研究生项目 Timeline

Design of Research Project (2-3 months)

  • Meet with your 委员会 Chair to determine 的 focus of your research and discuss potential Thesis 委员会 members.
  • Review literature on your 的sis topic and on 的 research methods used in your field 感兴趣的.
  • Develop a research design in consultation with your complete, three-member Thesis 委员会. 

Note: It is a good idea to schedule a meeting with all of your 委员会 members at 这个阶段.

Proposal Review and Revision (2-3 months)

  • Submit your complete 的sis proposal to your Thesis 委员会 (be certain to follow 的 format instruction discussed in 的 previous section).
  • Revised 的 document as requested by 的 委员会 members.
  • Repeat 的 first two steps until 的 proposal is signed by all three members of 的 委员会.

Preparing 的 Thesis (3-12 months)

  • Data collection/field work.
  • Analyze data and interpret results.
  • Write and edit your 的sis. 

Submitting, Revising, and Defending 的 Thesis (3-6 months)

  • In consultation with your full 委员会, schedule a tentative defense date before 的 最后期限了 with 的 ENVS 研究生项目 Coordinator 的 semester prior to 的sis completion.
  • Write 的 first draft of 的sis and submit it to your 委员会 Chair (at least 一个 month before scheduled 的sis defense date).
  • Revise 的sis as per 委员会 Chair comments.
  • Submit 的sis to your full 委员会 (following 委员会 Chair's approval of revision).
  • Revise and revise again, until full 委员会 approval is reached.
  • Present your findings in your 的sis defense.
  • Submit final draft to 的 研究生学习 Office 之前 最后期限了.
    • If you would like to hire an editor to help with final formatting, 研究生学习 建议 弗罗.
  • 一起工作 Montezuma出版 to complete additional revisions as needed for final acceptance by 研究生学习.


All graduate students are required to submit a bound copy of 的ir 的sis to 的 Environmental Studies Department upon completion.

Final Paperwork for Graduation

MS Thesis and Graduate Research Archive