

的 副修司法研究 allows students to take 课程 in the core and explore the field of Justice Studies. Drawing upon the rigorous Justice Studies Major program, the 小 provides students with an interdisciplinary curriculum that critically analyzes 正义问题.

Students in the 小 learn theories, empirical and normative analyses, historical trends, and central themes of justice and injustice. 的y may also select topical 课程 to serve personal interests or career ambitions.

Students are responsible for meeting (or getting waived by the instructor) any prerequisite 课程. Proper planning and advising will ensure that students graduate when intended. Students are highly encouraged to meet with a department advisor during posted office 小时.

Curriculum and Requirements

Required Lower Division Coursework

Students must have completed their lower division coursework to enroll in many of the 课程 in the 副修司法研究. 的re may also be prerequisites that must be taken before students will be able to enroll in substantive elective 课程.

Students interested in the minor should complete their lower division coursework and 他们的主要's 100W requirement. 


的 副修司法研究 allows students to explore aspects of the Justice Studies 他们喜欢的领域. Students with the 副修司法研究 come from various majors on campus—engineering, computer science, business, nursing, psychology, and so on. 的y often augment 他们的主要 with the 副修司法研究 because they have career interests in law enforcement, investigations, juvenile justice, victim services, and other related professions.

Students acquire analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills much needed in complex and multicultural societies. 的y learn to create and
articulate grounded, empirically informed, and sustainable solutions to crime and social problems in communities and/or institutions. 

Careers Related to the 小

  • 成人缓刑
  • Community organizing on justice-related issues
  • 感化及假释
  • Court administration / Case Management
  • Federal law enforcement (USSS, FBI, ATF, HSI, etc.)
  • Forensic 科学 / Criminalistics
  • 调查
    • 企业
    • D.A.的办公室
    • 警察部门
    • 私人
    • 公共辩护律师
  • Juvenile justice, counselor, probation
  • 法律及相关主题
  • Policing and related fields
  • Public advocacy on Human Rights issues
  • 教学/研究
  • Work with non-profit crime / violence prevention agencies
  • Work with non-profit justice organizations

Steps to Complete the 小

  1. Declare the 副修司法研究
    • 提交适当的 Request for Addition/Change of Major or 小 申请表格(不到 90个单位或 超过 90单位)到a 司法研究顾问, along with other required documentation listed on the form. 参观 Office of Registrar website to download the petition form.
  2. 参加课程
    • Enroll in 课程 as specified by the 副修司法研究 Form [pdf] and log course completions on the form.
    • When selecting substantive elective 课程 in the minor, we encourage students to choose 课程 that also fulfill other university requirements.
  3. 申请毕业


Dr. 亚历山德罗·德·乔治 is the Department of Justice Studies' designee to lead advising for the Justice Studies 小. 他和所有的 Justice Studies department advisors help students find opportunities that suit the students' interests in Justice Studies.

博士联系. 亚历山德罗·德·乔治 或者任何 Justice Studies department advisors if you are interested in declaring the 副修司法研究 or if you have additional 问题.