Ch和ler Memorial Scholarship

The Paul MacKay Ch和ler Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 by members of the Ch和ler family to honor the memory of Paul MacKay Ch和ler. Paul MacKay Ch和ler was a 1963 graduate of the 社会学 Master’s 程序. He taught for the San José State University Administration of Justice Department (now the Justice Studies Department) 和 served as a Federal Probation 和 Parole Officer until his retirement at the age of 53. Mr. Ch和ler was passionate about social justice, 和 worked with the Southern Poverty Law Center 和 the Hesperian Foundation. His work made him a nationally recognized expert on social justice in the correctional system, 和 he was called upon to testify on this subject before Congress.

The Fund is a permanent endowment, awarded each spring to those students who have demonstrated exemplary scholarship in the previous fall 和 spring as demonstrated by their performance on the research methods or social theory written comprehensive examinations, or similar examinations at the discretion of the Department chair.

The Paul MacKay Ch和ler Memorial Scholarship Award, which SISS houses, opens around March every year. Details about the call 和 eligibility requirements will be sent out when the application period opens.