2020年1月 Grants and Contracts


Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of 科学

  • “ECCO-Darwin Model Exploration of Physical and Biogeochemical Interactions in the 近年连续体”
  • Sponsor: Jet Propulsion Laboratory



  • “National Forum on the Assessment of Scholarly Communication”
  • 赞助商:加州大学萨克拉门托分校

Ross P. Clark

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of 科学

  • “Planning for Predicted Sea Level Rise within the Salinas Valley”
  • Sponsor: Coastal Conservation & 研究


Environmental Studies, College of 社会科学s

  • “CommUniverCity: Community Services Program FY 2019-20”
  • 主办方:圣何塞市

凯瑟琳·高·库欣, Richard Kos,

Environmental Studies, College of 社会科学s

  • “Cultivating a Community-Owned Vision for East San Jose Neighborhoods”
  • 主办方:圣何塞市

迈克尔·J. 考夫曼

物理 & Astronomy, College of 科学

  • “Using the Astronomical Infrared Bands as Calibrated Probes of Astrophysical Conditions with the NASA Ames PAH IR”
  • 赞助商:美国国家航空航天局


Special 教育, College of 教育

  • “Early Childhood STEM 教育: Training and Ambassador Program”
  • Sponsor: Santa Clara County Office of 教育


Moss Landing Marine Lab, College of 科学

  • “Enhancing Stranding Response in Central California through Advanced Training & 改进的 公共宣传”
  • 赞助商:加州大学圣克鲁斯分校

蒂莫西·P. 斯坦顿

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of 科学

  • “Deliver Acoustic Current Meter (ACM) Instrument for Ice Node”
  • Sponsor: Jet Propulsion Laboratory

尼古拉斯一. Welschmeyer

Moss Landing Marine Labs, College of 科学

  • “DNV GL Kurita Ballast Project”
  • Sponsor: California Maritime Academy