
We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during 2023年9月:

23 奖 Received: Valued at $11,335,810.

Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure 条款.

Lucas College and Graduate School of 业务

凯伦·E·菲尔布里克. 尼克松,希拉里·K., 商务,院长办公室
Climate Change and Extreme 事件 Training and Research Program
赞助商: Department of 运输 – $4,666,011.

查尔斯W. 戴维森工程学院

Guzun Gheorghi, 计算机工程
CAREER: Scalable and Adaptable Sparsity-Driven Methods for More Efficient AI 系统
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $104,778.

罗纳德·麦, 计算机工程
赞助商: 机密:9677美元.

尼科斯·莫托斯., 航空航天工程
ATOM商务办公室管理. 助理
赞助商: 雅各布斯公司. – $17,390.


Betre, Kassahun / Asplund, Curtis, 物理 & 天文学
A Transformative Master’s Program in High Energy 物理
赞助商: U.S. 能源部:32.5万美元.

霍莉·A·鲍尔斯., Moss Landing海洋实验室
Validating the Aqusens Imaging Platform to Expand Networked Cell Detection Capabilities
赞助商: U.S. Department of Commerce – $272,903.

结果表明,刁 气象学 & 气候科学
California Community and Earth-system Integrated Climate Resilience Center (CalCEI CRC)
赞助商: U.S. 能源部- 323,061美元.

蛇形丘,尼古拉斯, 化学
Multidisciplinary Training Experience in Nuclear 科学 "Mt. 实体”
赞助商: U.S. 能源部- 104,553美元.

加德纳,路加福音, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Elkhorn Slough Foundation Subaward: Enhancing Climate Resilience through Coastal Ecosystem Elkhorn Slough的修复
赞助商: Elkhorn Slough Foundation – $147,501.

斯科特·汉密尔顿. Moss Landing海洋实验室
Validating Age and Growth of Captive Fishes from Mexican Waters at the Monterey Bay 水族馆
赞助商: 蒙特利湾水族馆——1万美元.0

Kochanski,亚当, 气象学 & 气候科学
Distributed Spacecraft with Heuristic Intelligence to Monitor Wildfire Spread for 反应控制
赞助商: Bay Area Environmental Research Institute – $377,547.

Kochanski, Adam / Clements, Craig B., 气象学 & 气候科学
Evaluating and Improving Live and Dead Fuel Moisture Models for Use in Gridded Forecast 系统
赞助商: U.S. 林务局- $230,195.

Kochanski,亚当, 气象学 & 气候科学
Datasets of Dead Fuel Moisture for California
赞助商: Lawrence Livermore National Lab – $50,546.

麦当劳,Birgitte Moss Landing海洋实验室
Basic Stranding Response: Involving Undergraduates to Train the Next Generation of Marine Mammal Stranding Responders
赞助商: 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校- $20,313.

保罗,卡桑德拉A. / Visintainer, Tammie / Pizarro, Marcos / Wilkinson, Katherine, 物理 & 天文学
Transforming Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Through Culturally Sustaining, Active, and Asset-Based Approaches to Introductory 科学 
赞助商: National 科学 Foundation – $208,557.

马克·西格拉., Moss Landing海洋实验室
赞助商: Ahtna环境公司. – $8,415.

马克·西格拉., Moss Landing海洋实验室
SFEI RMP利润率2023
赞助商: San Francisco Estuary Institute – $175,576.

马克·西格拉., Moss Landing海洋实验室
赞助商: MLJ环境- 52400美元.

索托,胡里奥, 生物科学
赞助商: Ipa - 256,467美元.


肖恩·拉威., 心理学
人类系统集成:Coll. Human Factors Research to Improve 安全, Efficiency & Reliability of NASA’s Aeronautics & 太空任务:第二阶段
赞助商: 美国国家航空航天局- $3,163,607. 和565120美元.

马尔瓦尼,达斯汀·罗伯特, 环境研究
Understanding and Addressing Environmental Justice Impacts of Energy Storage Projects 关于本地社区
赞助商: Portland State University – $98,140.

Nojan Saugher, Sociology and Interdisciplinary 社会科学s
Resisting Erasure and Asserting Afghan Cultural and Community Resilience
赞助商: National Endowment for the Humanities – $148,054.