Office of 赞助项目 责任

The 研究基金会 Office of 赞助项目 (OSP) provides pre-award services, post-award services, and self-support program management services for 圣何塞州立大学’s sponsored programs and projects.

OSP services include access to grant search tools and grant-related information services, proposal development and submission services, and proposal processing services. 当 a grant has been awarded, the team provides grant and contract management and project 管理服务. Self-support program management services include oversight of education-related activities that are non-state-funded and are directed by 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty, administrators, or senior foundation managers. OSP team services and support 包括以下内容:

  • Sponsored programs communication and publications; funding alerts, and custom searches
  • Grant-search consultations; guidance on use of grant-search tools
  • Grant-related workshops and webinars
  • Review of sponsor guidelines
  • Coordination and assistance with proposal plans, project budgets, and submission timelines
  • Review and verification of compliance
  • Proposal routing for authorized signers’ approvals
  • Award negotiation and acceptance on behalf of the PI
  • New account setup, including creation of timelines for deliverables
  • Project management orientation for PIs
  • Oversight of day to day fiscal management and compliance regulations
  • Monitoring of budgets and cash flow
  • Administering and monitoring of subcontracts
  • Oversight of required technical and financial progress reports to ensure timely submissions 应保荐人要求
  • Assistance with annual financial audits, CSU audits, and sponsoring agency audits
  • Project closeout in collaboration with Finance and 会计 and with Human 资源